
Sunday, March 21, 2010

DinnEr dAsH!

where, where do i start?

should it be from the single laDies?
or their equally beautiful evening gowns?
(although, some missed the description)

the guys!

i'd give some space before i continue
(want to catch my breath)


nice suit,
looking good & all
(a tie would have been good too...buh!)

our very own best dressed
Living Word's Singles Dinner!!

--->> nOne other thAn our very oWn
Richmond Okorie

dude you looked gOod in that outfit

the bLazers,
clean cUt!

the sHirt,
right fIt!
(i was so impressed, see i gavE you like 10 lines)

i thinK nexXt should be "BIGGE"
(he just showed us two shades & a liL touch is all it takes)

**d**Or **n**al's sOn,

you seem to have outdOne yourselF
if i'm nOt mistaken that's the first time you've worn a tiE?

LOokEd sHarp,
& dinner like (unlike most ppl who didn't get the mEmO)

stripped sHirt
(i bet thEre are as much sides to you, as the lines on that sHirt)

that was meant to be a suit, right?

cUte aS hEll!
(short sleeves?...i doubt they're forbiddEn***UNIQUE ...iLike)

a Lil toO much about the guys,
letS move over to them hunnies!

you loOked eXceptionally goOd
(almost like you dOn't fit in around here -->> just passing by)

a sIght to beHold!
(i mean literally)

what colour was dat gown?
i was too mesmerized to nOtice

theY fit perfectly
you're a fiNe young woman, i mUst say!

good jOb!

i hear you and your sisters are the brain behind this!
Looked really good too!


Ps: i'm taking a lil breAk

no nEed sayinG you looked goOd
(you know you always do)

but i won't exactly say the same for your younger siS!

was i the reAson behind how bEautifully you were dressed?
(sOrrY about the scaRf ish...buh, i really dint get it)

rEally don't knOw what to say

lookEd nice,
but i also noticed you thought he did too!
(what's the catch??)

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Let me know what you think and since no one is perfect, you could help me with the nitty grittys i missed out on...Lol!