out of sight
shouldn't be out of mind!
you all remember Dj Emeka ryt??
yeah the same one who kidnapped our very own Ginika & tried ropping her into the whole mess!
luckily enough, she was vindicated!
now the gist is,
who's going to visit him this christmas?
its the season of love & sharing
& i'm sure seeing friendly faces would help rekindle what ever hope he has left.
rumour has it that,
'remember me' by T.I
is his best song of 2009 & he knows the lyrics by heart...Lol!
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1 hour ago
Gist i heard was it was planned by both of dem.. But d babe implicated him cos he tried to cheat her off d ransom money..
otattler b specific...which ginika and hu is emeka!!!....dey planned a kidnap ...O M G thats so desperate
Ginika Udeagu. Ex deputy governor's daughter.. Babe and her boyfriend Emeka planned her kidnap.. But D boyfriend tried to cheat her off d money paid so she exposed d guy and claimed innocent...How ur boyfriend go kidnap u without ur consent? He's in jail now, she's free. Wonder how heavy her conscience is right now!
& d gurl is out dia frolickin in twn wit her bf Madox
D ginika bitch beta b careful in ha sojourns cos dj'll mosdef com out someday & he'l b ha nemesis.
Dat's if she dozn't catch somtin & die b4 den.
Madox be careful, unless u wnt ur dad's nxt research topic to be h
A cure for AIDS.
Datz 2 mention bt a few. D list goes on, let me jst nt bring pples leg out... Am sure he(madox) hs aids.
Na wa oh! How can u guyz think Madox will give ha aids.
abi dey said she does runs & pimping in Abuja? Don't u guyz knw dat dos old men don't like condoms? If dey catch hiv dey will still die b4 it kills dem Anyways.
Madox I dey fear for u oh bcos d chic papa fit afford correct drugs for am.
No commit suicide bcos sey u luv asewo!
Otattler must be Ginikachi Udeagu 's friend! That girl makes a perfect case study in prostitution. We know her well in Abuja, d babe dey roll with married Top government officials, her papa dem friends.. Who ever said she was vindicated? Her popsie hushed her involvement with his influence and money and shipped her off to abj to continue her trade. And considering dj Emeka's family beef with Ohakim! D guy's fate was doomed from day 1. Na madox i dey pity, if u like no run for ur dear life.. If u enter jail, nobody go even send u..
that's sum slanderous statements y'all r making here oh!
Omg, may God punish all of U 4 sayin deze tings, I knw noone is perfect bt 4 d love of God, stop sayin all deze crazy about every person, d bible said it dat thou shall nt bear false witness against thy neighbor & ope all of U knw dat d wages of sin is death? Rev 6:17 says dat '' for d great day of D Lords WRATH shall come and who shall be able to stand.''
i pray dat d lord who is a merciful God wud have mercy on all of U & nt visit each and everyone of U with his wrath, D Lord is a consuming fire... Otattler beware of d tins U say abt pple and people beware of d coments U make abt odaz d bible said in jude 1 vs 14 -16 dat behold d Lord wud come with 10,000 of his saints to execute judgement on d ungodly 4 dia ungodly acts and 4 dia ungodly speeches spoken against pple. BEWARE.
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Let me know what you think and since no one is perfect, you could help me with the nitty grittys i missed out on...Lol!