Of the male specie,
of the whitest human race,
(serious case of albinism)!
fAt (or what his miserable female fans would call 'huge')
always seen driving fcuked up and archaic "jallopies"!. . .
. . . and that has to be wen he is not sitting @ the passenger's side!
never spends friday night anywhere other than the premises of a club house,
all seasons & in rare cases sugar!
i know you're wondering how i know ryt?
how else i'm i meant to get my scoops?
tries to fit into a group he sees as "the cremê group",
i hear he has stuf to do wit some old guest house somewhere in town,
deems himself "the cremèst of his kind"
for the records,
he actually is although me sees it as a case of the one-eyed man in the land of the blind. . .Lol!)
Veekee James & Femi Atere Celebrate 1st Civil Wedding Anniversary with
Stunning Photos
Fashion designer Veekee James Atere and her husband, Femi Atere, have
officially welcomed us into the month of love with a special celebration.
Today mar...
12 hours ago
his name starts with M n ends wit U.,., am i right?? lol
is he a cow? That'll be 'Malu' in hausa.
who's #3?
Wanna get gossip on her too?
OMG! Did I just win a prize?
ok, i'd take it you're just a fan!....no prizes won, yet!!
& if there's gossip to be gotten there, i WILL eventually!!!
ease off on Me*U!!! kai!!!
#3...lmao. nt malu,try harder. tattler...i got d answa?ryt?
OMG! Don't tell me it's METU, the very scruffy one.
@#3, no b me talk o.bt finaly,how many albino filin funky do we hav in oweri
Oh! We had one divine, he's now @ lawskool, so I guess METU is d winner!
& Metu it is!!!
#3 & dozy, you just might win a prize from the t@tler if you keep up the good deeds!!...Lol!
maybe i should reward you two with my id?
but you must promise not to tell on me oh!\\
tatler..it wont b a bad idea o! since our gosip-tattler insticts ar sharp. no3...lmao! does divine ova-do lyk metu? by d way,divine is back in oweri.u aint curent.lol
Divine back?
He's not back in circulation cos i've not heard from or of him.
Who knows, he myt be using his tym to scheme his way into one of his friends chic's panties.
Every lawyer/law student hold ur chic oh!
Tattler, pls hold unto ur ID
I don't want to be a suspect in the loss of ur "cute little head".
oh ok!
#3! nice one, & smart too!
No 3 n tattler.. u guys ar havin an affair
lwkmdfh!!! hahahahaha!!
Plz divine is nt among dose law boys,he is dre frnd,but doesnt ginger like dm,
Lmao @ idea of an affair.
Well Tattler's the bomb no doubt but I'm holding my other half ryt now cos chinenye, nonye, divine & their likes are in o-town
Biko who are d law boyz dat divine does nt ginger like? Doze dry boys especially Madox.. He likes filin like he is d finest boy on earth. Rubish!!
AKPO!!!! Before is it ur father that is the finest boy in town? I remain the finest boy in O-town. Bee rem oil! lol
Oh my God.... Tot it wz a joke wen I heard it....plz whoeva Used my name 2 write dat tin up dia is an Idiot. O.tatler I realy admire Ur courage 2 put up dis blog bt plz try 2 scrutinize d postz so ple wont continue 2 impersonate odas & say crap. Like d person whu Used my name 2 say stuf. Plz I wud realy aprc8 it if pple stop playin sily pranks. Tnx. Madox.
that's a major issue there Maddox!
i'd look into it
Which one is d real madox?wel which eva one u are,u dry!
Plz trip on... Madox
Let metu catch U, he will jam U wit one of his jalopiesssss.....lol
Otattler... By d way, don't let me find out who u are bcos i hv 1 or 2 things to say to u.
I'll drag u to court & God help u den becos u'll sell ur car to get me off your back. I heard d gist u hv bin spreading dat I used u. Well, u should hav used your head and maybe your jallopy wont hav bin stolen.
I'll get to d bottom of dis & may ur father hav sold enuf babies by den.
I MET u wen u were posting dese stuff in your hostel 2 dayz ago. Going to aba will not save you.
i tot d whole point of using an anonymous tag to post a comment was to stay "A N O N Y M O U S" and did u really spell ur own name wrongly .....i mean no offence but....really??
O TATTLER ..... don't b scared of anyone huz threatening u .....which dirty court does he/she want to drag u to .....HISS
who's hatn on dem ex law boiz? i lv em, they ova kild it on d block. d law block is nw very dry!
i'm totally wiv d last anonymous...... d law block is now dry.......
did d last person say d law block is now dry??? how???
because of those dry law boys or because of the yaya sisters??
puh-lease law block is better of without those fools.
I hd a dream last nyt,
In it, METU jammed Madox wit his jallopy for stealing the yab on his blog on o.tattler
Gov. Ohakim called efcc to catch d former deputy gov. For his daughter's state embarrassment.
Finally, o.tattler turned out to be a secret project for mass comm & computer engineering students.
D mass comm students failed wen Owums saw their work on his daughter, while d computer engineering students got job offers from microsoft corporation wen Amah nduka showed Bill Gates their work.
I beta pray & go back to sleep.
O.town is really getting hilarious.
who are the yaya sisters??? What is that??? A cult???
who are the yaya sisters??? What is that??? A cult???
Omg, may God punish all of U 4 sayin deze tings, I knw noone is perfect bt 4 d love of God, stop sayin all deze crazy about every person, d bible said it dat thou shall nt bear false witness against thy neighbor & ope all of U knw dat d wages of sin is death? Rev 6:17 says dat '' for d great day of D Lords WRATH shall come and who shall be able to stand.''
i pray dat d lord who is a merciful God wud have mercy on all of U & nt visit each and everyone of U with his wrath, D Lord is a consuming fire... Otattler beware of d tins U say abt pple and people beware of d coments U make abt odaz d bible said in jude 1 vs 14 -16 dat behold d Lord wud come with 10,000 of his saints to execute judgement on d ungodly 4 dia ungodly acts and 4 dia ungodly speeches spoken against pple. BEWARE.
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Let me know what you think and since no one is perfect, you could help me with the nitty grittys i missed out on...Lol!